Intro to Film and Video
In the Introduction to Film and Video course we explored the fundamental disciplines and principles inherent within the world of film, television, and digital media production. During the course, we learned how writing, directing, producing, cinematography, art direction, makeup, and sound all function as elements of the filmmaking process to include how these specializations intersect during preproduction and production. There was an emphasis placed on the study of filmmaking as an artistic and technical industry, while at the same time honing important skills of collaboration, artistic expression, and technique.
This assignment was a simple 6 shot sequence similar to the Michael Rosenblum method. With the 6 shots, a special shot needed to be added to the 5 shot sequence. The concept for this was to create images for a storyboard along the lines of our treatment's subject for a one-minute instructional video. Storyboards were to contain exactly 6 frames of content along with 1-2 sentence shot description, including shot type abbreviations, had to accompany each frame. All shots had to be static shots. No movement or use of zoom, dolly in, out or across. All content was to be photographed, no downloaded internet images or illustrations. 

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