When animation is used appropriately it can enhance the learning experience. Using Adobe Edge, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe PhotoShop I created a learning object that serves as instruction. Through animation and interactivity information is revealed sequentially and in chunks. The intended audience is Marine Corps Officer Candidates that will become pilots. This animation and interactivity explains how their student pipeline flows, what aircraft they can potentially fly along, when they receive their wings and the locations of the four Marine Air Wings (MAW).
Link to Marine Corps Aviation Training Pipeline original interactive project: 
Note: There will be a white page momentarily while the training loads.
Step 1: Assignment Selection
Step 2: Generic Pilot Pipeline. From this pipeline I located a SME who is a Marine Corps CH-53 Pilot to get and made minor updates.
Step 3: Creation of vector objects in Illustrator. The objects were then exported as .svg files for Adobe Edge.
Step 4: Creation of project within Adobe edge using timelines and interactivity.

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