Master of Fine Arts, Media Design, Effective Copywriting
The goal for this project was to design and develop multiple concepts for the non-profit organization of my selection. The organization that I selected was RedRover is a nonprofit organization that focuses on animals in a crisis situation. The crisis can stem from natural disaster, abuse, cruelty prevention, and funds to help individuals pay for veterinary care of an animal if the owner has fallen on hard times. RedRover was founded in 1987 and devotes its mission to strengthening the relationship between people and animals. RedRover engages with animal groups, professionals, law enforcement, media and schools to create a resource and positive support through education, emergency sheltering, disaster relief and financial assistance.
Sketches using testimonials - 
The first part of the assignment was to submit six sketched concepts in the forms of testimonial ads.  Each concept represented a different approach with a different spokesperson. Creating a good concept requires the message to communicate to the final target audience.

IRONIC - This testimony is a goofy looking young dog that is so happy, she doesn’t even know she was a rescue pet. Instead of an image of a dog in such bad condition where reader wants to look away and not think about rescue and adopted pets, this image intrigues readers to feel good about a happy looking dog. Appealing readers to take a second look will open the opportunity for those same readers to visit the Redrover site.

EXPERT - A fireman is not only an expert in fighting fires, he/she is a person that risks their own lives to rescue and save others.  This testimony is from an expert that is believable and will give validity to readers. This would be an expert that readers would want to emulate and contribute by doing what they can to rescue and protect pets.

JUST PLAIN FOLKS - Real people testimonies can identify with all readers and make connections that cold establishments can’t. Readers can associate with the child and the puppy, both are young and innocent.  The bond between the two is a forever relationship.  Both a boy and a puppy would do anything in the world for each other. 

HISTORICAL FIGURES - Gandhi is famous for his non-violent protests. Gandhi's commitment to peace also included animals. Using a historical revered figure such as Gandhi, readers will not only associate with him through history lessons, but with individuals who come together for a cause using peaceful protesting; Gandhi spoke for truth, freedom and peace.

CELEBRITIES - Lucca is a hero and celebrity in her own write, she served an illustrious military career, suffered injuries and was adopted.  Her story is one that is heartfelt and can capture emotions of people.  Lucca’s story can creatively capture the attention of readers that want to know more about who this hero without a cape is. Lucca can create interest and have readers take action to visit Redrover’s web site looking for more genuine stories.

NOT THE PERSON BUT SOMETHING ASSOCIATED WITH THE PERSON - This testimony is not a person, but several dog toys arranged together to look like a dog. Arranging the toys to look like a dog without the actual animal will create interest and create a reason for the reader to engage with the poster and take action to visit Redrover.
Four Comp Selections and Design - 
Choosing four of the sketches, comprehensive layouts were created.  Headlines, body copy and a call to action was written; these would speak to the target audience.  The layouts were created in Adobe InDesign making sure to create a quarter inch bleed for all the edges.
Final three comp selections and revisions - 
Revisions for Testimonial Ads -

- Each ad had too much body copy.  The copy was revised by cutting it in half and removing extraneous words to give the audience just enough information.

- The rough sketch look was removed and photographs were added to give the ads a more refined and complete look.

- Each ad did not have a consistent branded look. All three ads were revised using the same image and heading. Changes to the layout and design were updated to have a similar look and feel throughout the campaign. Each layout was given a more clean and polished look.

- Using the same logo for the burgundy color was changed to a more vibrant red and the tagline was changed to an updated tagline.

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