Introduction to Post Production
The Introduction to Postproduction course built upon the specializations within visual storytelling to learn how sound and editing function as parts of the filmmaking process during the production and postproduction stages. Enhanced learning was achieved by writing scripts, shooting interviews, shooting B-roll and compiling the components to tell a story.
Acquiring Footage Part 1 - The Interview - Using a script I wrote I did an interview using two cameras, then edited the footage and story down to one minute. 
Shooting: B-roll Assignment - The objective of this activity was to demonstrate our ability to select a subject, and then plan and shoot that subject content with adequate coverage that will result in a creative edit. The footage had to support our script and the interview footage you shot. Our B-roll submission will be comprised of six different "static" shots of your subject. We had to open with an EWS to show the context of the subject.  After that, we included a WS, MS, MCU, CU, ECU, and two specialty/dynamic shots of our choice.
Editing Final Project Assignment - For this assignment utilized the interview footage, B-roll footage and edited it together into a 2 minute short film. Everything demonstrated the following: Script writing and pre-production, Basic picture editing fundamentals, Audio design and editing, Shot composition, framing and lighting, and B-roll production
1.  Opening Title Card
2.  Appropriate lower thirds graphics for people or places
3.  Music track
4.  1:30 minute video (main body of the project)
5.  Credit Roll

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